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Registered: 03-2007
Location: Austin, Texas
Posts: 3972
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I’ve decided to put up some Element Shrines in my house. I was very interested to find out that my house is practically designed to have the Element Shrines in the directions that they are traditionally placed! The traditional locations are: North-Earth, East-Air, South-Fire and West-Water. I have windows in the middle of most of the walls facing those directions whose wills will make perfect surfaces for shrines.

Well, I have a window box in the middle of my north facing wall that houses several plants and mineral specimens – all symbols of the earth.

The window in the middle of my east facing wall is in a room we call the Morning Room (from a British comedy called Upstairs Downstairs) and it’s where I sit and have tea in the morning and open the windows to feel the breeze. It’s the one window in the house that’s almost always open.

The south wall of the house is where the kitchen is – the perfect tribute to fire! During the remodel, we will be putting in a window on that wall (thank goodness!) and I’ll use it to place some objects to reiterate the importance of that element.

And the master bathroom is located in the middle of the west wall! What better place to have a water shrine? Right now, it’s a bit of a dreary room and it’s not high on the list of remodel priorities, but I’ll put some things on the big counter in there. Hopefully in a few years, it will have a window too. We just have to finish with the first pass of remodel!

Do you have element shrines or other shrines in your house? What are they like?
3/19/2008, 5:06 pm Link to this post Send Email to TexasMadness   Send PM to TexasMadness
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Registered: 05-2003
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Re: Shrines

Wow, TM, that sounds lovely.

I don't have much of a chance to do element shrines, I fear. Our flat only has windows in two directions, as other houses stand wall to wall at the other sides. So, it's either north-west or south-east.


At any rate, your plans are very cool. It will be interesting to see how your shrines work out.


- Firlefanz

3/19/2008, 8:25 pm Link to this post Send Email to Firlefanz   Send PM to Firlefanz Blog
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Registered: 03-2007
Location: Austin, Texas
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Re: Shrines

Firle, I just picked windowsills because they are an easy platform to put objects on. But A shrine could be any surface. In a small place, it's hard to put aside space for something like that. I like the idea that my shrines won't look any different than a nice collection of objects on the windowsill.

Last edited by TexasMadness, 3/20/2008, 1:03 pm
3/20/2008, 1:03 pm Link to this post Send Email to TexasMadness   Send PM to TexasMadness
Saijen SilverWolf Profile
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Re: Shrines

Texas, my house actually sits catycorner to the directional points, so it's kind of hard to do elemental shrines and have them proper.
For my plants, the way my house is made, I have to put them where they will get the best light and sun, so I have my peace lily in my bedroom, a dish garden in my livingroom and a table full of plants in my diningroom (cyclomen, 2 aloe plants, red shamrock, and a white poinsettia) I would love if my house were set up where it were easier to do elemental shrines, but I think I kind of do that outside, with the exception of fire.
We are working on the possiblity of putting in a small "pond" complete with fountain in the yard. I'd love to do a whole area where we have the pond, and a chiminea, and a seating area, to just enjoy the outside. We don't have a patio or large enough deck and we found a chiminea we really like so we may end up just doing an 'out in the yard' entertaining area and I'll set it up so that each thing....the chiminea is in the south area, if/when we get the pond, it will be in the west area...etc. nice thing about doing it this way...if we ever have to move, we can take it with us!

Blessed Be,
~*~ Saijen ~*~

~~*~~ .~~*~~
3/20/2008, 4:29 pm Link to this post Send Email to Saijen SilverWolf   Send PM to Saijen SilverWolf Yahoo
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Registered: 03-2007
Location: Austin, Texas
Posts: 3972
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Re: Shrines

Oh, the outdoor sitting area sounds great Saijen! I would love to have a fire pit or chiminea and a pond - just haven't gotten around to it yet! Some day...

And since your house is catty-corner, wouldn't the corners make the perfect place to put in a little corner shelf for a shrine? Seems like corners are often neglected spaces and that might be the perfect thing for them!
3/20/2008, 5:13 pm Link to this post Send Email to TexasMadness   Send PM to TexasMadness

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